I can’t begin to express how much I love (and how honored I feel) to photograph a new baby. This Fresh 48 (in hospital newborn session) was done before this little guy was even a day old. He was a dream. He slept for a bit when I first got there, then nursed, cooed, made sweet faces at his Mama and Daddy, and then was happily swaddled again and snuggled. The only time he got mad was when I wanted to get a quick shot of his teeny toes. He definitely thought they should be wrapped up and warm. I hope you enjoy a few of the images we made together on this little guy’s first day.
Are you or someone you know looking for newborn photography in Boulder, Colorado? Red Mountain Studio specializes in lifestyle photography including newborn hospital fresh 48 sessions in Longmont, Loveland, Fort Collins, Lafayette, Boulder, and the Denver Metro area. ‘Like’ the Facebook page (www.facebook.com/redmountainstudio) or follow along on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/redmountainstudio) to keep up to date on news and special offers.